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Ammonites of the Jurrassic Lias



Okay. So it probably isn't the most exciting title you've ever seen. But I have a number of ammonites to dump somewhere, and the lias covers a pretty big span of time. So, whilst you won't see anything spectacular here, it does give me some incentive (as if I needed it) to go out and find some pretty rocks to fill this page up with.

Liperoceras kilbiense

First up, Liperoceras kilbiense. And if you hover your pointer over the photo, that *should* pop up. I say should -- I think I have it worked out now. The photo is oversized because the website refused to let change it, so you'll have to scroll a little. 

 Anyway, boring scientific details: Liperoceras kilbiense, Lower Lias, Blockley station quarry, Nr Moreton-in-Marsh, Glos. Collected 2003.

Liperoceras means 'fathead' - appropriate for this rather chubby creature. Kilbiense probably refers to the place it was first found. The white shell you see here is the ammonites original argonite shell. I think that is amazing, to be honest. I can sit here and hold the actual shell created by a creature several hundred milion years ago.

Liperoceras Kilbiense" border="" />

Guliemina Sp.

  An incomplete, but unusual, ammonite. Strictly speaking this isn't lias, but, but it is pre-kimmeridgian, so I thought I'd stick it here.

Kellaways rock, Kellaways, Nr Chippenham, Wiltshire. Aug 2007.