Welcome to 'The Fish Lizard'.
This site is still under construction - please revisit it in a few weeks if you are interested.
We are slowly transfering the whole site to our new .discoveringfossils.co.uk domain.
Welcome to my lair! My name is Robert, and I live in the wonderful south west of England. I am a keen amateur fossil hunter, and this site has been set up to showcase my collection and to hopefully prove interesting to the casual observer and specialist alike. I'll be frank - I do not have anything like the required amount of experience to ba called an 'expert', but I do have a fair amount of enthusiasm to make up for it. Well, walking along a wet, muddy beach soaked to the skin by rain on a cold october day with little to show for your effort but a pile of 'rocks', either shows dedication or stupidity. Or quite possibly both.
Whats in a name?
You might be wondering what is up with the whole ' Fish Lizard' thing. Well, fish lizard is the literal translation, from greek, of Ichthyosaurus - one of the UK's more colourful prehistoric critters. Aptly named, these reptiles are best described as looking like a dolphin but with a verticle tail. They are the only reptile in history to have evolved a fully aquatic lifestyle, severing their final bond to the land - the need to lay eggs ashore - by developing live birth.
As prehistoric reptiles go, their remains are comparitively abundant and often found as black or brown isolated bones. When fresh from the lias they have an unmistakable glossy finish and sharp, well defined features. Unfortunately these characteristics are soon lost when left exposed to the eroding force of the sea for any appreciable amount of time, but the moment of finding your first is always one you remember.
£50 per day of listing.
75% cut of the profits
Additional £25 proffesional photography fee.
Or you could instead sell stuff you actually own!
What you'll find here.
This site is, as you can see, split up into the basic fossil groups and showing photo's of specimens in my collection along with details. The most comprehensive section is that detailing Jurrassic and Cretaceous fossils. Whilst not an exhaustive collection, it shows many species typically found in the area I live. Not every fossil I have is shown, only the best of each type, or those showing a notable feature. With a few exceptions you will only find fossils from the UK here.
And finally...
Thankyou for taking the trouble to visit the site! If you've only clicked on the homepage and have just made it to the end, Why not take the plunge? Go on, click on the galleries and admire all the pretty rocks. Then you can e-mail me and say wether or not those cold October days were worth it.
I am quite happy answer questions, although if I don't know I'll do my best to point you somewhere you can find out. Also photo's from readers own collections are welcome - if I get enough I'll put up a gallery to show them off.
All the best, Robert.
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